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April 21, 2021How to Make Money Self-Publishing
Are you considering publishing your own writing? Maybe you write consistently and want to compile your thought pieces into a book. Or maybe you’ve got the perfect idea for a mystery or romance novel. But you don’t know how to get it out there—or how to make money self-publishing.
Perhaps you’ve already considered self-publishing rather than using a traditional publisher, but you’re unsure how to launch your endeavor. How do you find a publishing company who can help you make your book stand out? And how do you make a living as an indie author?
Look no further: read on to find out turning a profit doing something you love. Elite Authors has the tips to get you going.
Stand out from the competition
To keep your book from being just another spine on the shelf—or another e-book in someone’s Kindle library—you have to be unique. Tell a new story with your book, or an old story in a new way.
Think about your favorite author: what they are publishing, how they write, and what their book covers look like. Now, how can you put a completely new spin on that? That’s where you begin.
Differentiating your writing
One way to help your book stand out in a crowd is to differentiate your characters. Flat descriptions do nothing to paint a vivid picture. Instead, make bold strokes by giving characters strong action verbs and memorable details.
Consider their appearances, their mannerisms, their motivations. Do they shuffle across the room, or do they strut about with confidence? Do they speak simply or use a complex vocabulary? These thoughtful details can make a huge impact.
Another way you can separate yourself and your book from the pack is by producing polished material. The great thing about self-publishing is that anyone can do it. However, that doesn’t mean that every project is a diamond. Think about hiring a book editor, or a graphic designer to give you an eye-catching book cover.
Making yourself known by marketing your self-published work
In order to make a name for yourself, and therefore make money self-publishing, you have to first get your name out there: on social media, in the blogosphere, and in bookstores. Marketing your work is essential to success. There are many ways to promote yourself and your book—from low lifts to options that require more effort.
If you have a blog or personal website, announce your new venture. Drum up excitement with giveaways or guest reviews or by becoming a guest on a podcast. A tight and cohesive marketing strategy can go a very long way for the self-published author.
And more than anything else, as an up-and-coming author, you need an exciting and enticing description—both of your book and of yourself. Build your bio, and adapt it for use in a wide range of outlets. You can effectively keep a consistent image of yourself as an author while still adapting it to each situation. Include a snippet of your bio on your social media accounts, then post the full version on your blog or website.
And if you’re going to host a local or virtual book marketing event, create flyers to advertise it. Include the event details, a teaser for your book, and a short, snazzy version of your author bio. Then, ask to hang these flyers at your local library, café, or bookstore, and post them on your website and across your social media accounts.
Using professional services to stand out from the competition
When some people hear “self-published,” they may have a certain concept in mind: low budget, unedited, and perhaps unprofessional. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Professional services can take your words up and over the top—and help you stand tall among other self-published projects.
Hire a local designer or use design services from a publishing company to make your book cover really pop. Use book editing services that can turn your rough draft into polished, well-formatted prose. Having a professionally finished book can dramatically help you optimize book sales.
Spend money to make money
You’ve dreamed of making it big with your first book. No doubt you’ve thought about what sort of payday could be in your future. But even the most vibrant garden starts with a handful of unassuming seeds and a lot of time spent preparing the ground. Similarly, you’ll need to invest time, effort, and your own money to make money self-publishing.
Whether you choose traditional publishing or self-publishing, taking on necessary costs now could pay dividends when it comes to the success of your book.
Investing in professional editing and cover design
When it comes to investing in your own success, don’t skimp on professional touches such as editing and graphic design. You may think that self-publishing—unlike traditional publishing—is a solo job, but that’s entirely untrue.
There are plenty of talented experts to choose from who have perfected their craft and know their tools. Remember, you’re not a Swiss Army knife—and you don’t have to be!
A top-notch developmental or line editor can close plot holes in your book. A copyeditor can make sure you spell, punctuate, and hyphenate your words correctly. (Is it self publishing or self-publishing? Ask a copyeditor!)
When you’re nearing publication, a proofreader can make finishing touches on your manuscript. And a whiz at book design can create a book cover that will be the highlight of the display shelf.
The point is this: it takes a team! You don’t need a big-name publishing house to turn your work into a masterpiece. By engaging publishing experts, you can set your book up for success to make sure your finished product is professional. And as a result, it will be more marketable and more likely to earn you money self-publishing!
Planning for the typical costs associated with self-publishing
It bears repeating: sometimes you’ve got to spend money to make money. Embarking on a Kindle publishing or other self-publishing journey will entail a personal investment. But it’s just that: an investment.
To put your best foot forward, you’ll have to pony up for professional editing and design services. And as you plan ahead, know that you may also incur additional costs that you might not initially expect. For instance, you may have traveling expenses to promote yourself and your publication.
Other costs you can expect include printing (if you opt for a print book), distribution (yes, that includes a Kindle e-book), formatting, and marketing.
Making a smart investment in a self-publishing platform
One way to tap into professional services while saving time (and possibly money) is to work with a self-publishing platform. Many companies offer multiple services, so you can find editing, graphics, formatting, and other features for your first book all in one place.
It may seem like more than you’d have to spend if you implemented a do-it-yourself approach, but keep your eye on the prize. Many self-publishing platforms offer packages that include editing, graphic design, marketing efforts, mentorship, and more. This investment could make all the difference when you have hopes of becoming a bestseller.
Market your book effectively
Whether it’s a leather-bound anthology, a paperback romance novel, or an e-book on iguanas, the most amazing book would be nothing without the right strategy for book marketing. And it’s not just about how to get the word out locally. To become a successful author, you have to market your book (and yourself!) on wider scale.
So when you’re marketing your book, there are a few key things to remember:
- With a successful marketing strategy, self-publishing can be just as profitable as traditional publishing.
- Using social media effectively to standing out from the competition is vital.
- Managing your marketing budget effectively will help you capitalize on your investment and boost sales.
Developing a successful marketing strategy for your self-published work
First and foremost, you should decide on a marketing budget. Once you know what you’re able to spend, this will inform your marketing strategy. Push your book on your personal website and use exciting media like 3D video or interactive widgets or even a book trailer.
Successful marketing strategies for self-published books include maximizing metadata—that is, the information such as the title, author, description, genre, and so on. This will be how potential readers find your book when they search Google or online bookseller catalogs.
Using social media to market your book
Once you’ve taken the time to check out websites to promote your book, tap into your network: announce your new release on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Go beyond your personal circle, though: check out Facebook groups for writers and authors, and reach out to influencers (think “bookstagrammers”) who specialize in your genre of choice.
But don’t stop with the basic social media sites. Make use of other channels like Reddit and Goodreads. You’ll find many subreddit forums that may meet your needs. Additionally, you can seek out popular book reviewers on Goodreads who might enjoy what you have to offer.
Using a strong marketing campaign to boost book sales
Once you’ve found your audience and worked out a strategy, it’s time to launch your campaign. A strong marketing campaign can push you forward and pull your sales upward. Tailor your book marketing to your specific book (e.g., nonfiction book, children’s book).
Prerelease book reviews will get folks interested, and the tantalizing descriptions you wrote earlier—about your book and yourself—will be your sharpest hooks. Time and money spent on effective marketing can cause a significant increase in profits and give your book sale strategy an edge.
Get the word out locally
Everyone loves a community celebrity—and with your magnum opus in hand, you’ll be ready to walk the “read” carpet. You’ve already marketed yourself to your virtual circle. But don’t forget to take things offline too and get up close and personal with the people in your own backyard.
Finding the best locations where you can market your book
The strategies you can use to market your book locally will vary from the book marketing strategies you employ on a wider scale. Find people where they are, whether that’s the corner coffee shop, the local library, or the main street bookstore.
For instance, arrange for a reading at your local library or a speaking engagement at a community center. Set up a table at the farmers market or flea market in town. Bonus: you can even offer to sign copies of your book for adoring fans.
Building a local following
When you market your book to your local community, you have a greater opportunity to be present and lend your figurative and literal voice to the conversation. In addition, building a local fan base is a great place to start your path to fame. Don’t underestimate word-of-mouth marketing—friends love to share their to-read lists.
And it’s not just your readership you can reach out to. Developing relationships with local booksellers and shop owners will increase your notoriety by word of mouth. Kindness doesn’t cost a dime, but it could be worth more than just pocket change.
Getting started with local marketing
Get acquainted with book clubs in your area and offer to attend a meeting. (Pro tip: try using the platform Meetup.) Reach out to your local newspaper to do some guest articles, host a writing seminar for aspiring authors, or go the old-school route with bulletin board flyers. Don’t forget to make a splash with a release shindig—everyone loves a party.
Make real money as a self-published author
So now what? You’ve figured out your niche and have determined how you’d like to stand out among other successful authors. As you get ready to take the next step in your publishing journey, Elite Authors can work with you and your budget.
Elite Authors offers a wide range of services that include formatting and editing services, book cover design, book marketing via social media, content creation for websites and social media, and even book trailers! Before you know it, you’ll be counting your monetary blessings—and possibly getting ready to write the sequel.
Making money as a self-published author doesn’t have to be an impossible code to crack. When you’re ready to explore publishing your first book—whether it’s a print book or a Kindle book—Elite Authors is your one-stop shop of publishing services that will help you drive sales.
Find out how Elite Authors can help you every step of the way, from editing to marketing your masterpiece.