Welcome to Our Technical Support Page

A guide to our most frequently asked questions


Software Support

Q: How do I set up a ZOOM account?

We use ZOOM for live support, where a screen share can be helpful. If you have not used ZOOM before, we recommend visiting their support page to learn about setting up an account, joining meetings, and more.

Q: How do I use Track Changes in Microsoft Word?
  • You can access our video for how to use Track Changes here: video
  • Here’s a written guide from Microsoft: guide
  • Here’s an additional support video: YouTube video
Q: How do I “Save As” to get a second version of my document?
Q: How do I attach items in an email?
Q: How do I unzip a folder to see the files inside?
Q: When I open the updated file you just sent me, it is the same as the first one.

First, make sure that you are viewing the correct file! If you have multiple iterations of the file, it is easy to accidentally open the wrong one. We recommend either deleting old files or moving them to a separate folder on your computer. After downloading your fresh file, be sure to name it something specific so you are able to recognize it later. We recommend using the date. If you are certain that you are viewing the correct file, please feel free to send a message with the missing changes to discuss the next update to your file.

Q: How do I rename files?
Q: I am having trouble viewing the design PDF you sent me.

Be sure you have Acrobat Reader and use this software to view design files.


KDP-Specific Technical Support

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) has many great resources for publishing your book. You can search for a topic here: KDP Help Center. Here are the most asked questions we receive and direct links for where to find the answers.

Q: What trim size can I use?

A typical book has a trim size between 5" x 8" and 6" x 9". Books with a high word count benefit from a 6" x 9" trim size to keep the page count manageable. Books with a low word count benefit from a smaller trim size. Many of these formatting decisions really are up to you and how you would like your finished product to be presented. For more information on trim sizes for Amazon KDP, please see this link.

Please note that some trim sizes will limit KDP distribution. For more information, please see this link.

Q: What is expanded distribution?

Expanded distribution is available for paperback and hardback books. It allows your book to be purchased other places, like Barnes & Noble. To enroll, be sure to check the box to the right of your price when uploading your files. Books sold through expanded distribution will receive 40 percent of the royalty rather than 60 percent. For more information on expanded distribution, please see this link.

Q: What is KDP Select?

For the most up-to-date information, we recommend reading KDP's information page.

KDP Select may be best for authors who require or desire the following:

  • availability of the ebook in foreign markets,
  • promotional tools and resources for sales/giveaways, or
  • opening your book up to a new market of readers.

Things to consider:

Enrolling in KDP Select automatically makes your book available for Kindle Unlimited, a subscription service for readers. Royalties are set up differently, and you are paid per page read from the KDP Select Global Fund. The amount per page can vary, but it tends to be about $0.005 per page.

Enrolling in KDP Select requires that your book remain exclusive to KDP for 90 days. This does not apply to other versions of your book. If you enroll, your book is still available for sale to those who do not have Kindle Unlimited.

Q: What is DRM protection?

We recommend using the Digital Rights Management offered by Amazon KDP for ebooks. DRM is intended to inhibit unauthorized access to or copying of digital content files. Some authors want the protection that DRM offers; others want readers to share their work so they can reach a wider audience and choose not to enable DRM. DRM is a one-time offer and can't be changed after you publish.

Q: How do I publish to KDP? Will you publish it for me?

We’ll give you all the tools you need to publish to KDP! Alternatively, if you’d like for us to upload for you, please discuss this with your publishing consultant as an add-on service to your package to see if you qualify.

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