Book Proofreading Services for Independent Authors
You care about the quality of your work. So do we. And make no mistake—our professional proofreaders will make sure your book is ready for publication.
First, you invested time, energy, and resources in your manuscript. Then, you worked with a book editor to make sure that it’s as good as you can make it. In addition, you've written and rewritten, checking and rechecking the grammar and punctuation. So don’t make the mistake of skimping now. Even a few extra apostrophes or transposed letters can open you to criticism—or worse, force you to make costly corrections after your text goes to print.
The professional proofreaders at Elite Authors will comb your print-ready manuscript for mistakes, misspelled words, missing punctuation, and grammatical errors such as subject-verb agreement and run-on sentences.

Book Proofreading for $0.021 per Word
All services include direct access to a dedicated author success manager to ensure your project’s success. Fill out the contact form below, and an expert publishing consultant will be in touch to discuss your needs.
Looking for more? Consider a comprehensive publishing package that is tailored for you. Our team will work with you to ensure you get the most out of your budget.
Spotting those mistakes
If you’re tired of finding typos in your finished work, don’t worry. It’s not you—it’s your writer’s brain. When you write and revise, your brain is naturally focused on high-level issues like plot progression or the structure of the central argument. In addition, when you attend to the meaning of a piece of writing, you simply can’t also pay attention to the individual words. Likewise, It’s too easy to read a misspelled yhe as the or its as it’s because your brain literally skips over such mistakes, keeping your focus on what your brain thinks matters. That’s why professional book proofreading services are so valuable.Hiring a proofreader for my book
Effective proofreading requires a practiced, expert eye to spot those lingering errors that can ruin an otherwise impressive piece of writing. It’s painstaking work, and you want to be certain that the proofreader you hire has years of experience. In addition, while many book editors are also adept at proofreading, editing and proofreading require slightly different skills. Therefore, at Elite Authors, we make sure that only the very best proofreaders are entrusted with your work.Ready to cross the finish line?
Hire an expert editor today.

William Diebold
I worked with Jenny and Lydia and they were amazing. How so? Let's start with being very patient and understanding of my particular needs and my concern for accomplishing my goal of republishing my edited book. I had an unusual problem due to my moving and losing my former email with Createspace. But Jenny helped me throughout and virtually held my hand while I dealt with the Amazon bureaucracy. I will be forever grateful to them for their assistance and I find it wonderful to have a port to go to now with my self-publishing needs. Elite Authors I salute you and thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Book Proofreading Services Questions
How quickly can you proofread my book?
While proofreading typically has a shorter turnaround time than a round of copyediting, for example, this isn’t a process you want to rush. Proofreading, by its very nature, is slow, methodical, and deliberate. Thus, a proofreader must work word by word and sentence by sentence. Many of the errors proofreaders catch at this stage of the process are easy to overlook if someone is reading too quickly. However, If you are up against a deadline, it’s worth talking to us because we will always go the extra mile.
Are editing and proofreading the same thing?
Editing and proofreading are not really the same thing. While many people use the terms interchangeably, editing and proofreading are actually quite different processes. Book editing (whether developmental editing, line editing, or copyediting) is about process. First, you write your story. Then you give it to an editor who, depending on the level of edit, offers feedback on plot, structure, pacing, characterization, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Finally, the editor returns your manuscript to you, and you revise your work based on that editorial feedback. It’s a back-and-forth process. Proofreading is the last thing that happens before a book goes to print. Also called a cold read, proofreading is typically done on a print-ready PDF, and it’s about finding those lingering errors and minor misspellings that are so easy to miss without a fresh set of eyes, no matter how thoroughly a manuscript has been edited or revised.
How much does it cost to proofread a book?
You’d be surprised what lingering typos can cost you: time, energy—even stars from a review, since readers and reviewers regularly ding books with grammar and spelling mistakes. Whatever it costs to proofread a book, it will never cost as much as finding errors after your book has been published. The price of that kind of oversight—in terms of reprinting costs as well as the cost to an author’s reputation—is incalculable. Proofreading is an investment in your book, your brand, and your peace of mind.
What is the rate for proofreading?
Rates for proofreading vary. Some editors charge by the hour. This sounds great until you realize you’ll only have a rough idea about your total costs until editing is complete. On the other hand, Elite Authors charges by the word. Thus, you know before we even start working exactly what your project costs will be. Our rates change depending on how intensive we expect the editing process to be—and how much time an editor will invest in your writing project. Therefore, a proofread is less expensive than a copyedit, which is less expensive than a line edit. You can find our rates for proofreading and all our other editorial services here.
Wouldn’t it be easier to just use an online spelling and grammar checker?
Using an online spelling and grammar checker might seem easy, but it would be a mistake to trust artificial intelligence. Automated spelling and grammar checkers, whether online or integrated into a word processing program, are nowhere near as efficient as human proofreaders at spotting errors. In fact, this is one job humans still do far better than computers, and that’s because humans see things in context. A professional proofreader will quickly spot that chocolate moose is an unlikely dessert, that chilly peppers probably won’t spice up your meal, and that a bridle shower would be really dangerous. Microsoft Word’s spellchecker, on the other hand, doesn’t flag any of those as errors.
Why do authors get multiple rounds of editing?
We highly recommend our authors going through numerous rounds of editing to ensure the manuscript is as clean and well written as possible. Most traditionally published books are edited six to eight times before publication, so we have rolled out some editorial packages to encompass multiple rounds of editing at a discount to our authors.